trevi – Water Market
Water retailers and wholesalers bill and recover £M’s of revenue using our market leading trevi solutions.
Our trevi product family comprises of solutions for wholesale charge forecasting and revenue recovery and also the market-leading Trade Effluent billing solution.
On-demand, accurate forecasting of future and final wholesale charges
trevi Forecaster enables companies operating in the English water market to forecast and analyse wholesale charges, identify under-charging and over-charging and deliver evidence to support the correction of erroneous charging.
The Pre-RF module forecasts, on-demand the up-to-date wholesale charges for an invoice period using the latest available data from CMOS. No longer will you have to wait till the next MOSL settlement report is issued to know what your position on wholesale charges is. You can find it out instantly.
Although this best-in-class cashflow forecasting and profit protection solution is a valuable capability during the entire settlement process, it is especially important in the lengthy 8-month gap between R3 and RF where many incorrect data changes recorded in CMOS can adversely impact wholesale charges. Before a company submits corrective transactions and settlement re-run requests to CMOS, the end-user can modify the data within trevi Forecaster and re-calculate charges instantly so that the accurate financial impact is known.
In the months, weeks and days running up to RF you can take direct control of your future and final wholesale charges across your whole portfolio rather than leaving it to valiant efforts on a few supply points.
Key Features & Benefits
- Run forecasts on-demand or on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule
- Generate reports in the exact same format as the MOSL settlement reports.
- Forecast settlement charges for invoice periods right up to RF
- Uncover data anomalies, over-charging and under-charging that impacts cashflow and profitability
- Model data corrections and re-test charges
- Identify high-value issues months in advance of RF and take corrective action before it’s too late
To find out more about trevi call us on 0141 212 6400 or complete the form below and we’ll get back to you
Recover significant revenue from “locked” invoice periods
trevi Forecaster enables companies operating in the English water market to forecast and analyse wholesale charges, identify under-charging and over-charging and deliver evidence to support the correction of erroneous charging.
In the market settlement process the idea behind the final settlement run (RF) is that the charges calculated are now “locked” for the specific invoice period. For a period of 8 months after RF however, where evidence of over/under-charging beyond certain thresholds can be presented, then Post Settlement Runs can be requested for a fee. Thus revenue, in effect bottom-line profit, can be recovered.
Whilst companies quite rightly focus on correcting issues ahead of RF there are many transactions recorded after RF in CMOS that impact charges significantly. These often remain undetected and revenue is lost.
Using the latest available data from CMOS, including data that arrived after RF, the trevi Forecaster: Post-RF solution calculates up-to-date wholesale charges for an invoice period that has been locked. Comparing this to the MOSL issued RF report identifies variances for investigation and provides evidence for re-run requests.
Before a company submits corrective transactions and settlement re-run requests to CMOS, the end-user can modify the data within trevi Forecaster and re-calculate charges instantly so that the accurate financial impact is known.
Typically, most companies have a small core team of settlement experts and the solution enables them to easily identify, on-demand, changes to “locked” charges across your whole portfolio and focus their precious time on resolving the biggest variances.
Existing customers have used trevi Forecaster: Post-RF to identify erroneous charging and successfully recover significant revenue.
Key Features & Benefits
- Run forecasts on-demand or on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule
- Generate reports in the exact same format as the MOSL settlement reports.
- Calculate settlement charges for invoice periods where RF has already been run
- Uncover data anomalies, over-charging and under-charging that directly impacts profitability
- Model data corrections and re-test charges
To find out more about trevi call us on 0141 212 6400 or complete the form below and we’ll get back to you
Specialist solution for rapid comparison of large settlement reports
trevi Charge Analyser is a companion solution to trevi Forecaster: Pre-RF or trevi Forecaster: Post-RF that enables settlement analysts to easily compare various versions of settlement reports and be notified of any variance thresholds that are breached.
Typical use cases include:
- Compare MOSL R2 report with MOSL R3 report to identify any major charge variance for investigation
- Compare MOSL R3 report with trevi Forecaster: Pre-RF report to confirm that corrective transactions submitted have had the desired effect ahead of the next RF
- Compare MOSL RF report with trevi Forecaster: Post-RF report to identify any major charge variance since RF was issued
Flexible Comparison
Pre-defined comparison templates are provided as standard and user-defined templates can also be created. Comparisons can be grouped at various levels and can be compared a range of parameters:
Notifications and Escalations
When variance thresholds are breached then 2-level alerts are recorded. Notifications are where the variance is within a certain lower and upper tolerance and should be investigated. Breaches beyond the upper level are recorded as Escalations.
This specialist solution has been designed to compare large volumes of data and executes within minutes.
The market leading trade effluent billing solution
Proportionately your trade effluent customers are your highest value customers. Typically this 1% of your customer base will generate 10% of your retail invoices, and often higher. Trade effluent billing is complex and unnoticed data issues can lose you big revenue. Not good when you have tight margins to begin with.
Bridgeall’s best-in-class billing software protects your retail margin by delivering 100% billing accuracy with minimal headcount.
It does this by automatically synchronising billing data with CMOS and automatically processing every market transaction, including all corrective transactions (TCORRs). In doing so it detects changes to market data and issues adjusted bills automatically.
Uniquely it incorporates charging algorithms from CMOS (the Central Market Operating Solution) so that, straight out of the box, the solution calculates retail charges for any SPID in the market regardless of the wholesale tariff being used. This includes all variants of water, sewerage and trade effluent. In addition, group (consolidated) billing capability is embedded natively within the solution.
Volume, Charge & Tariffs
- CMOS settlement system integrated. Volume and change calculated as per CSD0207
- Harmonises Retail and Wholesaler Tariffs. Equivalent retail variants of all wholesale tariffs supported in the market
- Onboard new customers from any region regardless of tariff
- True Wholesale+ billing made easy
- Onboard new customers from any region regardless of tariff
- Integrated market transaction processor
- Detects changes to market data, issuing adjusted bills automatically
- Amend inaccurate CMOS with easy to use data corrections
Group (Consolidated) Billing
- Bill group customers on a single consolidated invoice
- Detailed breakdown of usage and charges attracted by each site including Trade Effluent calculation details
- Bill sites on different retail tariff structures easily
Water market credentials
As the longest-serving software company in the UK deregulated water markets we have a proven track record and in-depth experience from the successful delivery of many complex projects. Bridgeall designed and developed the central systems in Scotland, the market settlements system in England and a market-wide solution to improve market data quality. We are the Operator for the Scottish market and designed, developed and support our trevi solutions in Microsoft’s Azure Cloud.
MOSL – Settlements System for the Water Market in England
To fulfill its role as Market Operator for the world’s largest competitive water market, MOSL required a central solution to manage all market transactions and market-wide settlement of wholesale charges between the Wholesalers and Retailers.
Working in close partnership with the leading IT services provider CGI, Bridgeall successfully delivered the settlements sub-system at the heart of the Central Market Operating System (CMOS).Bridgeall developed the high-quality solution, which settles £2.5BN annually, over 15 months and after a further 6 months of market testing only 7 minor defects were detected.

Central Market Agency – Market-Critical Central System for the Water Sector in Scotland
The CMA administers the c£320M market for retail of water and wastewater services in Scotland. A key responsibility is to calculate the market-wide settlement of charges between the wholesaler, Scottish Water, and all retailers.
Bridgeall designed, developed, supported and enhanced the entire Central Systems underpinning this newly competitive market.
To assure the correctness of the market-critical settlement software, Bridgeall also built a flexible custom test solution providing rapid, precise and repeatable testing for a large number (1,000+) of complex billing scenarios.
Castle Water – Water Supplier Billing Solution for High-Value Customers
Castle Water is the leading independent water supplier to businesses and organisations across the UK. In common with all suppliers, their customers with trade effluent (TE) are, proportionately, their highest value customers. Trade effluent billing is complex and unnoticed data issues cause substantial revenue loss. Castle had a clear and obvious need for a highly accurate billing solution.
Building from our experience of developing market settlement solutions for the English and Scottish markets we designed our trevi Billing solution and implemented and manage for Castle Water in Microsoft Azure using SQL Azure and .NET. The solution bills all services for TE customers, automatically generates adjusted bills and includes consolidated (group) billing. It is the most accurate and re-active TE billing solution available and bills every penny on-time.
Castle Water is recognised as a market leader in trade effluent billing and in making the process simple for their customers.