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Data & Analytics

Supporting decisions with a unified data platform – Sandstone Property


Sandstone Property had a manual process for providing VIP customers with a set of reports each month. Bridgeall were brought in to provide an automated process to replace the Excel process and provide a reliable data platform with clean enhanced data that supports future reporting requirements.

Scottish National Investment Bank – Improving the use of Power BI


The Scottish National Investment Bank (“the Bank”), Scotland’s first development investment bank, were using Power BI to report on investment data contained in their Salesforce instance.  Whilst using Power BI, they found several reports were growing in popularity and becoming increasingly difficult to manage. Bridgeall worked with the team to provide advice and guidance on best practice, as well as assistance with data modelling and report development to ensure the team had confidence to enhance their reporting processes and effectively leverage the capabilities of Power BI.

Building a Cloud Data Warehouse and Master Data Management Strategy


REMT like many businesses had data stored in different systems and had a requirement to bring these together. Bridgeall were engaged to create a data management strategy. This strategy was broken down into a few key parts with the end result was the delivery of a digital solution that delivered against each of the requirements.

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