Project Description

Market leader in the global spirits business Whyte and Mackay, wanted to fully digitise their processes. Each department used a mix of digital and paper records as well as a mix of communication methods. This meant that information could easily be lost, misplaced, processes were more difficult to learn, and analysing records was extremely time consuming. Bridgeall helped the team to create a Power Apps maturation and warehousing solution by combining their network of departments into a unified powerhouse.

We can help you to build your modern intelligent workplace

We help our customers to embed the right technology at the core of everything they do to streamline internal systems and processes, improve efficiency and reduce costs. We are a Microsoft Solutions Partner in multiple competencies, so we know what to do. 

At Bridgeall we define the Modern Intelligent Workplace (MIW) as one leveraging the full potential of existing and emerging technologies to improve ‘the way things are done around here’. Implementing a MIW helps organisations to break free from the limits imposed by outdated legacy systems. To learn more, contact our team.