Project Description

The Scottish Prison Service were looking to migrate data from their SharePoint 2013 servers to SharePoint Online as the service was reaching end of life. The team were also reviewing their current data and structure in order to create a more modernised document management solution that would be easier to use across the organisation. Bridgeall worked with the team to successfully migrate a large volume of documents and deliver a corporate SharePoint/Intranet used to store and communicate information of relevance to all staff within the organisation.

Looking to migrate to SharePoint Online? 

Are you on an old version of SharePoint and want to migrate to 365 and SharePoint Online? We have helped a number of organisations discover the benefit of SharePoint Online with our simple migration process. Whether you are on SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2016 there is a clear upgrade path to SharePoint Online. If you are new to SharePoint and predominately use shared drives, we have vast experience helping you migrate.  

You can also download our SharePoint migration guide with more information on how to carry out a successful migration.