Bridgeall Environmental & Sustainability Statement
As part of our environmental and sustainability goal, Bridgeall Ltd. is committed to achieving net zero CO2e emissions by 2050 at the latest. The company has taken appropriate steps to measure its CO2 emissions and continues to monitor these on a regular basis.
Emissions Measurement
Bridgeall currently calculates its emissions through the use of online emissions calculation tools, using widely accepted methodologies and standards (e.g. GHG Protocol). In addition, where appropriate, we make use of tools provided by our suppliers to refine the emissions data. For example, our major supplier Microsoft provides tools which allows Bridgeall to quantify its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions resulting from its own use of Microsoft’s cloud products.

Emissions Reduction Approach
The company takes into consideration changing business circumstances, an evolving supplier landscape and flexible employee working habits to refine emissions figures and targets on an ongoing basis.
We regularly review and, when necessary, update carbon reduction and environmental initiatives to continue progress towards net zero.

Completed Environmental Initiatives
The following environmental management measures are currently in place:
- Using energy efficient lighting with motion sensors in the building.
- Raising awareness among all staff of the importance of conserving energy and encouraging a switch off policy for unused electrical items.
- Ensuring no natural gas is used in the operation of the office.
- Only buying electricity generated from 100% renewable sources.
- Offering employees a fully flexible working model to reduce office accommodation requirements and minimising emissions linked to commuting.
- Move to virtual online meetings for clients and staff whenever appropriate and feasible.
- Purchasing technology to provide remote IT infrastructure support to clients, reducing travel requirements further.
- Minimising business travel by plane, and prioritising the use of the train as an alternative for longer travel.
- Minimising the use of stationery and the printing of documents through use of collaboration tools.
- Ensuring all waste material is separated and recycled appropriately.

Ongoing and Future Environmental Initiatives
The following environmental management measures are currently being implemented or being considered for implementation.
- Decommission any remaining on-premise hardware where possible to reduce emissions further.
- Adopt a cloud first procurement strategy.
- Find a second use for obsolete company hardware to encourage and support the circular economy.
- Renew laptops with more energy efficient models.
- Work with suppliers further to understand their own emissions.
- Continue to educate our people to reduce their carbon emissions both inside and outside of work.
- Providing staff with volunteering days to encourage involvement with environmental good causes and initiatives outside of work.