The Change Leaders Virtual Roundtable

“A shock of this scale will create a discontinuous shift in the preferences and expectations of individuals as citizens, as employees, and as consumers. These shifts and their impact on how we live, how we work, and how we use technology will emerge more clearly over the coming weeks and months. Institutions that reinvent themselves to make the most of better insight and foresight, as preferences evolve, will disproportionally succeed.”

McKinsey & Co, Beyond coronavirus: The path to the next normal, 2020

As an emergency response to COVID-19, many organisations have implemented remote working quickly. The genie is now out of the bottle in terms of employee expectations for new agile, flexible, responsive, collaborative ways of working supported by digital technology.

Have our working lives changed forever, or will we quickly revert back to ‘the way things have always been done around here’? How do we sustain new ways of working in a post-COVID-19 digital world?

As a Change Leader, we would be delighted if you could join us for the Bridgeall Future of Work Roundtable sharing your experiences over the last few months, your hopes and expectations for the future.

Facilitated by Dr Jim Hamill, key issues to be discussed during the highly interactive session will include:

  • What lessons have we learned from the rapid move to remote working? How sustainable is the approach we have adopted?
  • What are our hopes and expectations for the future? Have the foundations been established for building modern and intelligent workplaces?
  • What infrastructure, technologies, software and security do we need to support ‘next normal’ ways of working?
  • What are the main technology and non-technology barriers to change?
  • What new leadership approaches are required to manage change in a volatile, uncertain and digital world?

As our organisations seek to recover post-COVID-19, current and emerging digital technologies do provide exciting opportunities for us to rethink the way we operate, the way we work, breaking free from the limits imposed by outdated legacy systems, management thinking and organisational cultures.

Are we ready to leverage the full potential of the opportunities presented?

We hope you can join us on the 16th June, sharing your experience with the group. Please register to attend using the form on this page

The Roundtable will take the format of a short Panel Discussion followed by a Q&A session.

We are delighted to announce the Panel Speakers for the Roundtable:

Stevie Grier – Country & Regional Manager, Scotland and LRG North, Microsoft

Stevie is responsible for Microsoft’s business interests across all markets in Scotland including delivery of the company’s Scotland National Business Plan, supporting organisations gain business advantage from use of the Microsoft Cloud, creating jobs through the highly successful Microsoft IT Apprenticeship and skills program, delivering Microsoft’s exciting education assets and helping customers and partners contribute to Scotland’s digital future.

Paula Speirs – Associate Director, Planning & Performance, NHS 24

NHS 24 continues to play a critical role in the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously Director of KPMG’s public sector consulting team in Scotland, Paula is currently leading NHS 24’s strategic planning, particularly as it works with NHS and public service partners to support delivery of the Scottish Government’s Health & Care Delivery Plan. She is also a Non-Executive Director with NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. A big thank you from everyone attending the Roundtable to all NHS staff involved in the fight against coronavirus.

Malcolm Smith – IT Director C&C Group

With specific expertise in IT operations and management, project delivery, service and change management, Malcolm is IT Director at C&C Group a leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of premium brand cider, beer, wine and soft drinks including well-known brands such as Bulmers, Tennents, Magners, Menabrea and many others. Prior to this Malcolm was an IT operations contractor with the group, responsible for the full setup of UK IT systems and Infrastructure to integrate the Tennents UK and Gaymers Cider Co into the C&C Group.

Jen Scott – Digital Development Manager at Opportunity North East Limited

Jen is Digital Development Manager at Opportunity North East (ONE), a private sector catalyst driving transformational change in a key region of Scotland’s economy. ONE develop and deliver projects to accelerate regional economic diversification across key industry sectors including digital, energy, food, drink and agriculture, life sciences and tourism. Jen will provide valuable insight into how the digital sector has responded to COVID-19 and how other sectors are using digital to adapt to the current situation. Previously, Jen has worked in the tech sector, in Higher Education and in partnership with ScotlandIS, the trade association championing Scotland’s digital technologies industry.